When you finally complete the purchase of a new car, it becomes essential for you to protect it at all costs. An insurance policy for a car will provide financial help to the policyholder to handle situations like repair costs, loss, or car theft. Getting a car insurance policy for your vehicle is a legal mandate in India. You can research the different plans available in the market online and purchase an online 4 wheeler insurance policy that suits you well. One important thing to note when buying is the coverage you get from the plan. Along with the vehicle insurance online quotes, you must clearly understand what your coverage entails. Though a suitable four wheeler insurance policy is good enough for your car, you may feel the need to enhance the insurance cover with useful add-on covers.
However, getting extensive coverage can lead to a high four-wheeler insurance price which can be a major expense for most people. And so, you can get an affordable insurance policy with adequate coverage by including add-ons to your policy. An add-on provides you with additional coverage that protects your car against unforeseen events. With this cover, you can extend the amount of coverage you get only for a small increase in your premium amount. Among the different riders available for you, there is one that stands for being important for most car owners – the Roadside Assistance Cover.
What is Roadside Assistance?
It is common for cars to break down or stop on the road for some reason. But it may not always be possible to get help or contact someone to tow your car to safety. To help their policyholders in challenging situations like these, insurance companies provide the roadside assistance cover.
If you add roadside assistance to your policy, you will not have to worry about being stranded on the roadside with a non-functional car. With roadside assistance, you can avail your insurer’s assistance if your vehicle breaks down on the roadside with a faulty part, flat tyre, defective engine, or any other issue that requires a mechanic’s attention. Inclusion of this add-on to your policy can allow you to call a mechanic to tow the vehicle to a nearby garage.
If your car is less than 5 years old and if your use of the vehicle is quite frequent, then getting the roadside assistance can be of great help to you.
How Does Roadside Assistance Cover Work?
If you are in a situation where you will need roadside assistance, you can directly contact your insurer, and they will provide you with an assistance team with this add-on’s help. Since the add-on is a part of your policy, the assistance provided is entirely free. However, depending on the inclusions and exclusions under this cover as per your insurance provider’s guidelines, you may have to pay out of your pocket for specific instances. For example, if you need your vehicle to be towed, you will have to pay the towing vehicle charges. Similarly, if you have to fill your car with petrol, the fuel charges will be entirely on you. You will be able to reap benefits of the roadside assistance cover as long as your policy hasn’t lapsed.
What Does the Roadside Assistance Add-on Cover?
- Dead battery:
It is applicable only if the vehicle malfunctions on the road because of a dead or faulty battery. It will include all labour costs.
- Duplicate keys:
If you have lost/misplaced your car keys while you are on the road, the insurer will arrange for duplicate keys and the cost of technicians required to unlock your vehicle.
- Repairs:
The add-on will cover any additional minor repairs that rise because of some random instances.
- Messenger service:
If the situation is emergent, where you have to convey an urgent message to someone, you can avail this facility.
- Medical coordination:
In an accident-related emergency, the insurance company will provide the necessary coordination and provide transportation to the closest hospital.
What to Consider Before Adding the Roadside Assistance Cover to Your Policy?
- Cost of the add-on:
The expense of the add-on will depend on the number of times you have availed the maintenance services. Most insurance providers set a limit on the number of times this add-on can be used.
- Vehicle’s age:
If you have a new car, the chances of the vehicle facing any mechanical difficulties are comparatively lower than an old car. It can be challenging to get assistance or insurance cover for old vehicles that may not be well-maintained.
Along with your comprehensive car insurance policy, you can protect your vehicle further with the help of a roadside assistance cover. Though some of the features under this add-on may be standard across all car insurance providers, some other features will differ according to the guidelines of the insurance provider. An RSA cover is especially useful when you are planning a long road trip by car since there could be a rare chance of the vehicle breaking down or running out of fuel. It is also possible to add the cover in the middle of the policy term if you did not select it while initially purchasing the policy.
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