All about Power Surges and Tips to Stay Safe during Them

When talking about electrical disturbances, power surges may just be the most damaging. As the name suggests, a power surge refers to a disturbance in voltage or power, and as brief as it is, it can be extremely destructive to whatever place it hits. A surge occurs when a power source is somehow supplied with excess electricity, usually during a thunderstorm. This fluctuation can be mild or dangerously large, and if you live somewhere where power surges are common, it may end up costing you a lot of money due to damages.

No matter where you live, dealing with power surges is inevitable. This is why you should try to ensure that you take all possible precautions to avoid power surges, in case a situation like that does occur. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to save your home from electrical surges. You may even benefit from FirstEnergy rebates, provided you opt for the right services.

What Happens during a Power Surge?

A power surge is a sudden increase in voltage. This directly impacts the power supply to any home, meaning that any electronics connected to power at the time of a surge will be affected by the increased voltage, something that can cause horrible damage to them. Best-case-scenario, the appliance gets shorted, but at worst, you could even have a fire at your hands.

The damage can be bad enough that you might have to replace most heavy appliances in your home. It could destroy your entire wiring system, which could cost a fortune to replace, and even then it might not go back to its original state. Power surges are one of the most damaging phenomenon when it comes to electrical disasters, so it’s important to know how to protect yourself in case one occurs.

Here’s how you can make sure your home suffers minimal damage in case of an electrical surge.

Turn Off the Main Power Supply

The simplest way to avoid a power surge is by turning off the main power supply. This will, of course, ensure that no electronics in your home are connected to electricity, so they will not be affected no matter what happens outside. The voltage spike will remain outside the walls of your home, ensuring better safety for both your appliances, as well as everyone living inside. This will, however, mean that you won’t be able to access the internet, or use anything else that requires an electrical connection either. The main supply should only be turned off if the surge is predicted to be somewhat brief, so you don’t get stuck without power for too long.

Disconnect Appliances

As mentioned previously, turning on the main power supply would mean that you won’t be able to use the internet or any other electronics. This includes even little appliances that aren’t at risk from a surge to begin with, which makes it kind of a waste to turn off the main supply. In case a power surge is predicted to last a long time, the best thing to do would be to disconnect all appliances that are the most at risk of being damaged during a voltage spike. This means larger electronics like the fridge, AC, microwave, etc.

Use Surge Protectors

Another great way to keep your appliances from being damaged during a surge is by using a surge protector. As the name suggests, this device is meant to protect your electronics in case of a power surge. With a surge protector, you no longer have to plug your appliances directly into the power socket, which can be a direct source of increased voltage in case of a lightning strike. It provides you with more outlets that are connected to the main one through a system that allows for a stable voltage flow, which protects all of your appliances that are difficult to replace.

Keep an Eye on the Weather

Your home is most at risk of a power surge if a storm is approaching. Make sure you keep an eye on weather forecasts, so that you’re always prepared for a surge. You can take this time to prepare for any potential damage by unplugging your most valuable appliances, so that you don’t have to be completely cut off from power, or have to stop using the internet in case something does go wrong. You will usually be able to find out about an approaching storm at least a few hours in advance.

Avoid Getting Appliances without Warranty

When an appliance with no warranty gets damaged, you will have to cover the expense on your own. Insured appliances will be taken care of (mostly) by the company from which you buy them, so always make sure you do enough research before getting anything. This is especially applicable to larger appliances, as mentioned above, since they will cost you the most to fix in case of a power surge.


A power surge is unavoidable, but that does not mean you have to face the damages from it head-on. Taking the precautions above will ensure that even if the voltage does fluctuate, your home and anyone in it will not be harmed, even in case of an unforeseen accident. Since power surges cannot always be predicted, it’s best to invest in full-house surge protection if you can afford it. This way, you will always be prepared for any disturbances in the weather, and in-turn, your power supply as well.

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