How to Tackle Vector-Borne Diseases During the Monsoon?

Monsoon is the most beloved season throughout the country. From kids to the elders, everyone has more than one memorable monsoon experience. The month of June is most-awaited, and the nation welcomes the rains with joy and pomp. Festivals are celebrated to mark the onset of monsoon. Most important, the temperatures get a check when it rains. It is pleasant and never too warm. Just right for a hot drink with your favourite delicacy at home.

While the environment is pleasant, at times too much downpour leads to problems like waterlogging, which give rise to vector-borne diseases. These problems can be prevented and avoided, but you need concrete safety measures.

So how can you ensure your family’s health remains protected? Invest in a health insurance cover! Some health insurance companies extend specialised insurance plans that cover the commonly occurring vector-borne diseases. Moreover, these insurance plans are available in the form of cashless health insurance so that your financial plans are not disturbed due to an uncertain medical emergency.

Although buying health insurance is crucial, there are a few precautionary measures which can help you prevent vector-borne diseases.

Keep your body covered at all times

Since mosquitoes are the primary carriers of vector-borne diseases, it is advisable you wear full-sleeved clothes at all times.

Opt for mosquito nets

It is one of the most effective ways to prevent contracting vector-borne diseases from infected arthropods. Moreover, it is a simple home remedy that can be used in every household. Mosquitoes are large enough to not enter through the fine nets and are useful in keeping infections like dengue and malaria at bay. Make sure you periodically check for damages to the mosquito net to restrict the entry of mosquitos while you’re asleep.

Close the windows and doors before sunset

Shutting doors and windows before sunset is a simple hack that can prevent mosquitoes from entering your house. These mosquitoes generally foray in homes around sunset. You can also choose to install mosquito nets on your windowpanes to block their entry while the breeze can flow without restriction.

Maintain hygiene

During monsoon, it is often the case that rainwater accumulates in puddles and other objects. These places are primarily the breeding grounds for mosquitoes and insects. These breeding grounds form mainly in stagnant waters. Avoid storing water and if you require, make sure you cover the containers. Ensure you clean your water tanks, containers, coolers, etc. periodically. Moreover, ensure you refill them with fresh water regularly.

Make use of mosquito repellants

This rise in mosquitoes is a common occurrence in the monsoon, and you must take adequate precaution for it. One of such precautionary measures includes keeping mosquito repellants handy. They are available in spray cans, creams and even roll-ons. Especially children and older people who are at a high risk should use these mosquito repellants.

Get on a healthy diet

Foods from the streets may tempt you more when the rains pour, it is better if you avoid these foods. These foods are often infected and should be avoided. Also, to stay away from the common cold, and viral flu, engage in a nutrient-rich diet to ensure stronger immunity.

These are some ways in which can help you to protect from deadly vector-borne illnesses in the monsoon. While it is important to follow these tips, it is equally essential to have your health insurance in place. Compare the various available plans using a health insurance premium calculator and select the best plan for your family. Stay protected and take care!

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